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Resources and Tips

Links to Useful Sites/Info

Put Fire to Work - a Prescribed Fire informational toolkit, that while geared toward the Pacific Northwest Region, the ideas and processes can be adapted to any setting.


The Wildland Fire Assessment System - a USFS site run in conjunction with the National Interagency Fire Center. Information on fire danger and various indices used to predict fire behavior are found here (useful in planning prescribed burn activities).


FireWise USA - Fire Prevention and Mitigation program created and administered by the National Fire Protection Association. Grounded Truths stands ready to help your community become FireWise.


Federal Wildfire Mitigation Resources - a working document charting all of the available programs to help Fire Departments, Communities, and Individual Residents offset the costs of Wildfire Preparedness and Mitigation, as well as certain Landscape Restoration work. Grounded Truths can help with needs analysis, proposal development, and the grant writing process.

​ - an official DHS/FEMA site with news, tips, and information to be prepared for any hazard, any risk, any time.

Grounded Truths LLC

Doniphan, MO


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